I just miss you so much,
Wednesday, October 26, 2011 @ 12:39 AM | 0 Comments I can be strong But with you, it's not like that at all There's a girl who gives a shit behind this wall You've just walked through it And I remember all those crazy things you said You left them running through my head You're always there, you're everywhere But right now I wish you were here. All those crazy things we did Didn't think about it, just went with it You're always there, you're everywhere But right now I wish you were here Damn, Damn, Damn, What I'd do to have you here, here, here I wish you were here. Damn, Damn, Damn What I'd do to have you near, near, near I wish you were here. I love the way you are It's who I am, don't have to try hard We always say, say like it is And the truth is that I really miss All those crazy things you said You left them running through my head You're always there, you're everywhere But right now I wish you were here. All those crazy things we did Didn't think about it, just went with it You're always there, you're everywhere But right now I wish you were here No, I don't wanna let go I just wanna let you know That I never wanna let go **** Just now, my ex has come to my house && I was super shocked when he said that you guys were fighting. I know it was my fault. I know I was the 'gedik' one. But sayang, we're just friends! Takkan nak text as a friend pun tak boleh? Dia tu dh jd ex pun. Kita masih kawan. Just KAWAN. Kenapa awak tak boleh faham? Saya risaukan awak. Takut apa apa jadi. Saya sayang awak. Dia kawan saya. Awak kena faham tu. Saya taknak benda remeh mcm ni jadi lg. Saya malu dgn abah saya, sbb mereka tu dtg in a geng. Abah pun dh soal saya mcm polis dh lepas tu. Ye lahhh a group of boys dgn moto dtg cari saya tgah tgah malam. Please. I love u so much. We're getting on SPM. I don't want something happen to you neither us, them && our relationship. Apapun saya nk mintak maaf dekat awak, dekat ex, dekat kwn kwn ex saya yg susah susah dtg umah sekali tu. Its just my silly mistakes. Im begging you all, please stop this shit thing off. Forget it. Let just peace. Once again, Im sorry :(
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